Aims & Ethos
“Where children believe they can because teachers know they can”
Here at Highlees we continue to believe that The Elliot Foundation was created as a safe place for children and teachers where all are nurtured to achieve beyond even their own expectations.
Our motto, “Where children believe they can because teachers know they can” reflects our conviction that raising expectations for all children and teachers is at the heart of a successful and inclusive society.
Our aim is to provide our children with an engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum that equips them with the confidence and resilience to succeed for today and tomorrow in preparation for life in Peterborough, modern Britain and the world.
Our Aims:
For every child in our care to have an enjoyable and stimulating education, where they all have the opportunity to experience success and achievement;
To recognise every child as unique individual
To ensure our children have the opportunity to complete fun and memorable experiences.
For all children to become self-confident, independent and resourceful learners;
To ensure children have the skills needed to make a successful transition to the next stage in their lives;
To provide every child with an excellent learning experience that is facilitated by excellent teaching;
For all children to be safe, happy and secure;
To form strong and effective partnerships with our families;
To teach children to be strong, independent, self-assured individuals prepared for the next step in their learning journey;
To ‘Bring out the Best’ in every child, so they all can be the best they can be.
Together, we endeavour to develop the following attitudes:
By developing these six attitudes, we aim to promote motivation, resilience, and aspiration in all children, enabling them to effectively participate and engage with learning.
Our vision, like that of The Elliot Foundation is:
- FOR CHILDREN: We help children to discover themselves and aspire beyond any limitations that their context might appear to place upon them. We help them understand that they can be, ‘heroes of their own lives’ building the foundations for healthy and successful lives
- FOR SCHOOLS: In addition to the essential functional skills of reading, writing and mathematics, children need to learn how to learn and to believe that they can continue to do so. They must also possess the critical thinking skills to sift fact from fiction to be able to think for themselves, freely and creatively.
- FOR SUCCESS: To thrive, whatever their chosen path, children need confidence, curiosity and commitment. We will nurture these attitudes across all their learning experiences.
- FOR COMMUNITIES: 'No man is an island’, children at Highlees will be raised with an awareness of the world around them and their role in shaping a better future through volunteering and contributing in their communities.
Key Priorities 2024-2025
Priority 1: To improve the standards in phonics in Year 1 to be at least national or above.
Priority 2: To develop the provision of PE across the school, including in EYFS
Priority 3: To develop the provision of SEND across the school